Pretty girl with a Henna Tattoo in the back body

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

henna tattoo designs

Tattoo artist with a beautiful smile, using henna tattoo designs followed the tattoo contest in the UK.

Snake Tattoo Design on the Tattoo Contest

artistic snake tattoo

A girl with a temporary snake tattoo design followed the tattoo contest, the design is very enthralling because her body is white and sexy.

Bird Tattoo Design in the low back body

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bird tattoo design is very beautiful, this design uses the natural colors and is made with very carefully.

Big Flower and Star Tattoos Design

Tattoo design with a combination of flowers and stars in the body of a girl. Star and flower tattoo designs include a permanent tattoo that is very liked young girls.

Flower Tattoo Designs in the whole Body of Girl

Monday, April 13, 2009

Temporary flower tattoo design on the back of a young girls who is the tattoo design contest in the UK. Her tattoo

Japanese Girl with Japanese Character Tattoo Design

Japanese girl with a Japanese Symbol tattoo design on the back. Tattoo Design is often used by people of Japan.

Girl with a tattoo on the whole body

Monday, April 6, 2009

Girl with a temporary tattoo in the body. Design that she is like a bird, flowers, and other artistic.

Make Butterfly Tattoo Designs with Airbrush Technique

A tattoo artist is making temporary butterfly tattoo using airbrush techniques.

Flower Tattoo with Pierching

A girl who really like the flower tattoo design and body piercing.

Artistic Eyeball Tattoo Designs

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Artistic eyeball tattoo design with white line and red ornament. Eyeball tattoo design is created with a high difficulty factor and using a special ink tattoo.

Eyeball Tattoo Painting Designs

A tattoo artist to try new technology of art tattoo, the eyeball tattoo design.