Sexy Henna Tattoo

Monday, June 30, 2008

henna tattoo sexy\

Sexy Woman with traditional Henna Tattoo.

Make a Henna Tattoo

henna tattoo
How to make a beautiful henna tatoo.

Dragon tattoo of Lara Croft

Friday, June 27, 2008

dragon tattoo

The popular Tattoo In Dragon Tattoo

Scary Spider Tattoo

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Spider Tattoo and animal tattoo

Spider tattoo design in the strongman and fearful.

Sexy Dragon Henna Tattoo

Monday, June 23, 2008

dragon henna tattoo

Dragon Henna Tattoo in the sexy girl body.

RoseTattoo in Feet

Good permanent Rose Tattoo in the feet.

Beautiful Henna Tattoo Pattern

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Henna tattoo pattern

Here is another beautiful henna tattoo pattern, my client said she got very good color with her last henna tattoo. Although the back is not usually a place to get the best color, she took great care of her henna tattoo. She left the paste on a good while, and got the design area warm for the first day and applied olive oil regularly after the paste was removed. I hope to post a photo of the finished color.

Henna Tattoo with Flower Design

Henna Tattoo

Henna Tattoo for sweet girls with flower design in the sexy hand and finger.

Henna Tattoo Exclusive

henna tattoo

Traditional Henna Tattoo in girls hand.